How Do I Pay For Mesothelioma Treatment?

How Do I Pay For Mesothelioma Treatment? - Treatment for mesothelioma can be extremely expensive, and as a result, it is essential that anybody who has been impacted by the disease avail themselves of all resources, including financial and legal avenues. In many cases, the treatment that may be best for your particular case may not be fully funded by your insurance coverage, and for those patients without medical insurance the financial impact can be even more devastating, Mesothelioma Attorney Dallas Diagnosis What is Mesothelioma.

Alternatives to relying on insurance to pay for treatment include funding from nonprofit advocacy groups and charities. Patients can also consider lawsuits, settlements, and trust funds set up by employers who exposed them to asbestos in the workplace. These legal means of getting compensation can help to pay for expensive treatments.

What is a Mesothelioma Trust Fund?

Asbestos-related trust funds are financial resources for those exposed to asbestos on the job. They are established by corporations found responsible for asbestos injuries to their employees and to others. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and are not sure where you may have been exposed, begin with your workplace.

As mentioned earlier, workplace exposure is the most common source of asbestos that causes mesothelioma. If your employer has been found to have exposed employees you may have access to a trust fund or be able to seek compensation through other legal avenues.

What’s the Difference Between Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer?

Mesothelioma and lung cancer often get confused as one in the same, but there are a key differences between mesothelioma and lung cancer. Although pleural mesothelioma develops in the lining around the lungs, it’s not considered lung cancer. Lung cancer is a type of cancer that develops (as its name states) in the lungs.

Furthermore, mesothelioma and lung cancer grow differently. Mesothelioma begins as small tumor modules that divide along the lung’s linings. Lung cancer, on the other hand, has set boundaries and the tumors grow in masses.

Mesothelioma is almost always caused by asbestos exposure, whereas lung cancer develops from a variety of ways, including cigarette smoking, second-hand smoke, gas exposure, genetics, and some instances, no discernible cause at all.

Lung cancer has a shorter latency period than mesothelioma. Symptoms of lung cancer can appear within 10 years (sometimes earlier), while it can take up to 50 years for the first signs of mesothelioma to appear.

Treatment for mesothelioma is also different from lung cancer. Although patients of both types of cancer may undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy, mesothelioma patients generally have the lung lining removed during surgery, while lung cancer patients have portions of the lung removed. In some cases, mesothelioma patients also have portions of the lung removed.

Lung cancer patients tend to have a higher survival rate once a few years after treatment has passed. Studies indicate that several years after treatment, lung cancer patients survival rates are around 10%, while mesothelioma survival rates are at around 4%.

Can a Veteran With Mesothelioma Get Benefits? - Mesothelioma patients whose asbestos exposure was a result of service in the United States militar, may be eligible for benefits that help with their expenses. Veterans are a special group at risk for mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure. Asbestos use in the military peaked between 1935 and 1975 and was most common in the U.S. Navy. Many veterans die every year from exposure to asbestos.

Veterans with an honorable discharge, who were exposed to asbestos have access to VA benefits, as long as the asbestos exposure resulted in an asbestos-related disease. The VA recognizes asbestos illnesses as being connected to service and in turn, may provide disability compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation, and health care to patients who qualify.

Applying for VA benefits can be a long, complicated process if you’re unsure of the procedure. It’s highly recommended to find an attorney experienced in helping mesothelioma victims obtain compensation. Additionally, although you cannot sue the government for your injuries, you can certainly file a claim against the manufacturers that supplied asbestos products to the military. Most people have no clue what companies were responsible for shipping asbestos to the military, but again, a reputable asbestos lawyer can find the responsible party.

How Do I Find the Best Mesothelioma Lawyer?

Once you’re diagnosed with mesothelioma or any other asbestos-related disease, the primary focus is necessarily on medical treatment, but it is also important to remember that there are legal rights and options available as well. Since this disease is generally caused by occupational exposure, it may be possible to file a claim with an asbestos trust fund in order to get reimbursement for medical expenses from those responsible for the exposure Mesothelioma Attorney Dallas Diagnosis What is Mesothelioma.

Lawsuits can also be filed, and may be settled outside of court or in front of a judge or jury. In many cases these legal actions can result in much-needed resources to help pay for medical bills and provide for the victim’s family’s financial security.

People who have been diagnosed with asbestos related cancer are often able to file lawsuits and win them because of the fact that their disease is preventable and was caused by the negligence of others (specifically asbestos manufacturers that supplied ACMs to job sites). The history of asbestos exposure includes a number of corporations, asbestos mining companies and other employers who did not notify their employees about the dangers of asbestos exposure despite having been aware of it.

This failure to notify and protect often puts them at fault. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer will be able to tell you about the options that are available to you, and what your rights may be. In most cases, lawsuits that are filed against defendants for asbestos exposure are settled out of court. Though the outcomes in these settlements can vary, they often result in a quicker closure to the issue.

When a lawsuit reaches the court, the outcome can often be unpredictable. Much depends upon the evidence that is provided in each case, but there is an extensive history of large verdicts being awarded to those who have been exposed to asbestos by their employer.

Next: Mesothelioma Attorney Dallas Diagnosis What is Mesothelioma

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